Create a 10- to 16-slide PowerPoint® with detailed written speaker notes in the

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Create a 10- to 16-slide PowerPoint® with detailed written speaker notes in the notes section of each slide presentation proposal for a new product.
Complete the following in your proposal:
Outline what the product or service is and how it can help society.
Summarize the overall goal of the product or service.
Describe the characteristics of your target audience demographic.
Create a vision in the investors’ minds so they can imagine the services provided and the user experience.
Discuss how you can sell this product through the power of one’s needs to belong.
Determine whether your product creates any social dilemmas.
Differentiate your product using what you know about how people interact and socially engage (pro proximity, mere exposure effect, evolution, attraction, need to belong).
Illustrate the connection between your idea and social psychology concepts and theories.
Include additional concepts learned throughout the course.
Cite 2-3 scholarly peer-reviewed sources in addition to your textbook.
Format your citations and any images used according to APA 7 guidelines.

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