IMPORTANT!! You have to provide me with the proposal before us west 19:30 11/7/2

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IMPORTANT!! You have to provide me with the proposal before us west 19:30 11/7/2024(This is required, or you cannot fulfill my order)
Part1. Proposal Instruction(Due :19:30 11/7/2024)
1. Thing: Name and briefly describe the THING you are connecting to. Provide a link, image, etc if appropriate. Must be concrete (a specific object, example etc.) – not an idea.
Thing: Farms to Grow Inc (Link: farmstogrow.orgLinks to an external site.)
2. Big Ideas: Clearly describe the Big Ideas from the reading you think you will put this thing into conversation with. Make sure it’s clear which reading you are referring to.
(You have to find 2 scholarly article related to food insecurities)
3. Guiding Idea: 2-3 sentences about the guiding idea you are thinking about writing your paper about. (i.e. a potential thesis)
4. Optional Additional Research: Do you need to learn a little more about the thing you are connecting to in order to make the connection? If so, describe what you think you need to learn and how you are going to do it. Note that this is not a research paper. Your aims should be modest, and only what you need in order to fulfill the other parts of the assignment. If not, you do not need to include #4 in your proposal.
(Part 2)Essay Instruction:
Connections Paper Assignment Overview
This essay asks you to do the same thing you do in your connections presentations. You can build on one of those presentations or create a new connection between Big Ideas from the class and a Thing of your choice.
Go deeper into concepts and topics that are most interesting to you
Practice applying course concepts and readings to the stuff of everyday life
Develop writing skills through a phased process
Someone who is interested in your topic but does not know anything about it, so you have to explain everything very clearly. Your writing should be clear and accessible – neither very formal nor very casual (no slang.)
Chose a Thing and connect it to Big Ideas from the class. You can build on a connections assignment you have already done or start fresh.
The same prompts we use every week can help you make connections:
What kind of lens, insights or perspectives do Big Ideas from the reading provide for thinking critically about the thing you are connecting to? If we look at what you found through the lens of these Big Ideas, how do we see it differently than if we did not have this lens?
How does the thing you found illustrate or illuminate Big Ideas from the course readings? (Be sure to connect to Big Ideas, Main Arguments and Key Points rather than minor sub-points or random factoids.)
Does this example contradict, challenge or expand the readings or ideas we have talked about in any way?
Examples of the kinds of connections your paper might explore:
Describe how you used to understand the thing you found in a particular way, then show how the readings help you to understand this thing differently.
Show how the thing you found raises a question, which gets answered in some way by the readings.
Show how the thing you found demonstrates some of the ideas in the readings and / or challenges or complicates some of the ideas in the readings. (A paper focusing only on how the thing you found is an example of something described in the reading is not going to be as strong as one that also looks at points of tension or friction or disagreement between the two.)
Show how one idea gets played out differently in three different contexts: the thing you found, reading 1 and reading 2.
1,000 – 1,500 words, standard formatting.
Make connections to at least 2 scholarly course readings.
You can include additional concepts from lectures or other course material (such as videos or “Flimsy Plastic Knives…” which is not a scholarly reading).
The points you make should come directly out of the connections you are exploring. Avoid making grand – but vague – statements or arguments.
Clearly introduce the Big Ideas you are connecting to
State where the ideas come from (cite the article)
Explaining them in a way that will make sense to your audience (who knows NOTHING about this)
This is not a research paper. If you need to learn a bit more about the topic to develop your connections you can do some outside research but don’t get distracted from the central task – making connections.
Focus on connections (analysis) not description. No more than ¼ of the paper should be description.
I am not looking for a formal thesis but your paper must cohere around a guiding idea, or main point and you need something in the introduction that says “here is what this essay is about and this is why it matters.”

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