Perform a literature search to support the identified problem and EBP Interventi

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By admin

Perform a literature search to support the identified problem and EBP Interventions related to your Aim statement using the U of A Library online to Identify three studies to support your project (the problem) and intervention (what evidence is available to improve the problem). Studies should be limited to the past 5 years. (If greater than 5 years, contact instructor for approval).
If you use clinical guidelines and position statements they should be the most recent update available for the topic.
At least 2 of your studies should fall into evidence levels 1-5. Remember the higher the quality of evidence, the more reliable the study is.
Analyze and evaluate each study using the Evidence Appraisal Worksheet and complete each section in the worksheet. Include your Aim statement at the top of the worksheet.
Use the documents attached under learning activities to help you determine levels of evidence and study design. (Level of Evidence Pyramid, Evidence Level & Study Design, Types of Study Design)
Submit the following for this assignment as one attempt: Three Evidence Appraisal Worksheets (one for each study and/or clinical guidelines appraised)
Copies of the appraised articles

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