Review the learning resources for Week 11. Consider the role of the DNP-prepared

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Review the learning resources for Week 11. Consider the role of the DNP-prepared nurse when it comes to advocating for or implementing a practice organization change or creating an organizational culture that embraces translation and application of evidence for quality improvement.
Reflect on your experiences in this course. Consider what challenged you the most. What areas for improvement have you identified?
Reflect on your experiences in this course. Consider what you learned that was totally new for you. What were your biggest takeaways, eye-openers, or revelations? Did you have any “aha” moments?
Think about your future professional practice as a DNP-prepared nurse. How do you plan to use what you have learned in thus course?
Post the following related to your experiences in this course:
Describe something that was challenging for you. Explain why it was challenging and what you did about it. Be specific and provide examples.
Describe an area for improvement that you have identified. What are your plans to improve in this area? Be specific and provide examples.
Describe something you learned that was totally new for you or which you consider a key takeaway that you will use in the future. Be specific and provide examples.
Explain how you plan to use what you have learned in this course in your future professional practice as a DNP-prepared nurse.
use 3-4 peer review articles for this blog

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