Compare and contrast two of these four codes of ethics: ACA, APA, AAMFT, ASGW. 1

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Compare and contrast two of these four codes of ethics: ACA, APA, AAMFT, ASGW.
1. Read the following codes of ethics thoroughly and discuss areas in which they are similar and specifically mention all areas in which they disagree.
2. Discuss how these four codes of ethics enhance the core professional values of the counseling profession that honor diversity and embrace a multicultural approach in support of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of people within their social and cultural contexts, and promote social justice.
3. Reflect on the agreements and disagreements regarding diversity ethics, e.g. race, gender, language, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, etc. (Your expertise in education would work well here)
4. 5 pages (please include a reference page as the sixth), Times New Roman font size 12, double-spaced, APA format (pay close attention to headings and subheadings).
5. Feel free to use the course textbook or other outside sources, please cite in-text.

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