Students, Current Events Reports Discussion Boards are now available. A number

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Students, Current Events Reports Discussion Boards are now available. A number of students are assigned per week to post their reports to the discussion boards. Please make sure you know what week you will present your report so that you do not miss the opportunity. I will also include it here. This is not a group assignment. The assignments are posted in the discussion’s boards and in the weekly modules.
The complete instructions are posted on the “assignments and examples” module below Week 14. I’ve also included the instructions here: Current Events Posts for Week 9 (Mariama, Madison, Aniya, Tamara, Kamden, Cynthis, Latoya, Taylor, Allison, Audrie, Morgan, Ashley)
Current Events Posts for Week 10 (Sophia, Lyric, Ebonnie, Tyler, Tylia, LaQuitta, Kaitlyn, Jennifer, Olivia, Markita, Porsha, Diego, Chynika)
Current Events Report Instructions: Current Events Report (THIS IS 3 PART ASSIGNMENT: Post your video presentation to the discussion board, submit the written essay to the dropbox AND submit the video to the dropbox) General Descriiption:
A specific skill to be gained in this course is learning how to recognize human needs and current social needs and issues in society. We hear about problematic social issues daily from a variety of sources, whether it is by way of the television, radio, newspaper, or Internet. Social workers should keep abreast of current events at all times, as many news items affect our clients and the programs/services they require. These social issues also generally are helpful toward making sense of the content of this course. Therefore, each student in the class will be asked to help lead one (1) discussion about a current event or situation that reflects the topical content of the course materials. Topics for the Current Events Report may include but are not limited to: Activism; Capitalism; Corruption; Crime; Culture; Data; Decision-Making; Foreign Policy; Global Development; Global Issues; Government; Health; Healthcare; Homelessness; Immigration; Inequality; Military; Mindfulness; Politics; Poverty; Philanthropy; Public Health; Social Change; Social Justice. As long as you can tie the topic/news item back to the NASW Code of Ethics and/or the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and explain why it’s a social problem, then your topic/news item is appropriate.
AGAIN the topic must be current, recent, just happened. If the event happened more than 3 months old I WILL NOT Accept it. This assignment has two parts: a written report to be submitted to the dropbox, and a video presentation that will be posted to the discussion board.
Requirements for the Written Report:
In order to receive a grade for this assignment, the student will submit a 1-2 page report (double-spaced) – posted to Canvas prior to when the student will be expected to lead a discussion topic with respect to the content of said report. This current events written report should include:
Current event title;
A brief summary of the news item;
An explanation of how or why the topic is a social problem and/or human rights issue;
Please list the human rights issue by article number from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and/or the corresponding ethical topic from the NASW Code of Ethics.
Note whether there is any relevant social policy or policies related to the event (laws, current legislation being considered by government, social welfare programs, etc.);
Include at least one thought-provoking question for the class to discuss with respect to this concern;
APA-style Reference page
Requirements for the Video Presentation:
Once the student has submitted the report to the dropbox, they should prepare a PowerPoint presentation and record a video presentation (using Zoom, Screencast-O-Matic, etc.) on their report topic. Video presentations should be a minimum of 5 minutes, with a maximum of 15 minutes, not including external/supplemental videos. A brief video of the news item can also be used, however, will not be included in the expectation for the presenter to introduce and summarize the news item. The content of all discussions must be respectful of others. No personal attacks, put-downs, or unprofessional language are to be used in constructing these conversations.
Your PowerPoint should include at least 7 slides:
Title slide;
Summary of news article;
What the social problem/human rights issue is;
What UN Declaration of Human Rights and/or NASW Code of Ethics are at play with this news item;
Relevant social policies related to the issue;
Your discussion question(s);
and References
Your video presentation MUST be posted to a personal YouTube account, and then linked to your discussion board post. Please make sure your video is listed as either “public” or “unlisted”, as videos marked “private” cannot be seen by anyone except the account holder–and if the instructor/your classmates cannot see your video, you will receive a 0 for the presentation grade. Be sure to also type out your discussion question for the class on your discussion board post, so it is easily accessible to all who view it.

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