Create a guide for MLA style. It must include how to properly set up a Word docu

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Create a guide for MLA style. It must include how to properly set up a Word document and create citations for the most commonly used types of sources for this class. You must cite any information you take from outside sources. This assignment follows the in-class lecture about MLA style, so you should already have some idea about what to include. You will be able to use this guide all semester, so make sure it covers everything!
Review the following for a template of what to include. An editable Word document of the content below is also here.
MLA How-To Guide
Step-by-step instructions for how to format a document in MLA style (heading, header, page numbers, paragraph settings, Works Cited page, etc.). You may include screenshots.

How to create Works Cited page entries, with examples, for the following:
Academic Journal Articles (from a library database)
Newspaper Articles
Articles on a Website
YouTube Videos
Textbooks (print)
Textbooks (ebook)

How to create in-text citations, both parenthetical and using a lead-in, for sources:
With 1 author
With 2 authors
With 3+ authors
With no author
With a page number
With no page number

How to caption and cite images:
How to insert an image and caption
How to make the citation that goes in the caption box and/or on the Works Cited page
How to refer to the image in-text

Include a Works Consulted page for any outside sources you use to complete this guide.

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