Directions: Using the Structuralism theory to analyze the two paintings included

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Directions: Using the Structuralism theory to analyze the two paintings included below. I have included questions to help you with the analysis.. Make sure to watch the Khan Academy video in the week’s Module to see an example of an analysis. You need to have a clear argumentative thesis/opinion and supporting details. Your essay should include an Introduction, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Structuralism Theory: Identify two symbols from each painting. Mention the denotation (direct meaning) and the connotation (emotional meaning prescribed by culture) of each symbol. Now see how these meanings help us understand the cultural conventions present in these images. What do they tell us about that particular historical time? * These paintings represent the Victorian Era where women had little to no means of being independent, and the only way to ensure societal status was marriage. So, think about these concepts when you are doing your analysis. Do you see anything that poses an importance implying a hidden meaning? For example, what does a white dress symbolize?

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