Individual Assignment 1 (IA1)
Select a company or organization (NGO, Governmental agency, for-profit corporation) and discuss how they may have been limited by a focus only on the triple constraints of time, cost and scope. Your task is then to do both of the following:
1. Describe how this organization may have been previously limited by a focus on the triple constraint – overly governed by the elements of time, scope, and cost for their projects (and even operations). If you cannot find evidence of this, assert it or find a different case.
2. Illustrate how they have (if they’ve done so) – or could have (if they haven’t done so) – improved their short and long-term results, or enter a new market, or innovate wildly, based on their use of foresight, vision, and insight from the Triple Catalyst model described by Mackay and reviewed in class.
Important Hint: you may find that companies which have had a calamity of some sort – especially a public one – are good candidates to examine.
Spend some time describing the order in which they applied the Triple Catalyst Model.
Limit your managerial report to 3-5 pages of content, double-spaced 12-point Times New Roman font, excluding cover, table of contents, appendices. Be sure you state opinions as opinions and make assertions that you can cite and reference (using APA referencing). I expect at least 3 cited references.
Your audience is an executive who is trying to determine if the Triple Catalyst could be applied in her business. You should be playing the role of a consultant who believes that it would help her – so your intent is to inform and convince her that it is a good model to follow.
This Assignment’s Grading Rubric will be sent as an announcement, but in the meantime be sure that your assignment
…is written as a managerial report, with an Executive Summary
…contains citations, related to assertions that you have made
…is true to the request of the assignment. Will a reader really learn how the Triple Catalyst model (MacKay, 2021) would help?
Here for your use- for STRUCTURE and to TRIGGER SOME IDEAS only, not for any copying and pasting, is an example:
Example Paper (NOT an outstanding paper, but a start to things mentioned above)
Individual Assignment 1 (IA1) Select a company or organization (NGO, Governmenta
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