INSTRUCTIONS The candidate will choose a scenario in an educational setting in w

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INSTRUCTIONS The candidate will choose a scenario in an educational setting in which technology is used. Examples would be “the use of Google Classroom in an elementary class,” “the use of an LMS in an undergraduate online business college,” and “programmed-learning modules in military training.” It would be best if the scenario is practical for the candidate. The candidate will prepare a paper that will be an analysis of methods to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational technology in the chosen setting. The paper should, after the introduction, provide a description of the setting and then provide the methodology for evaluation along with a supported rationale. The paper will be 4-6 pages, in addition to the title, abstract, and reference pages, and be supported by at least 3 scholarly sources published in the last five years in addition to the textbooks. Sources must have a publish date within the last five years. The paper must be submitted as a Word document in the current APA format. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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