Overview Throughout this course, we discuss trends and patterns in homicide loca

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Throughout this course, we discuss trends and patterns in homicide locally in our own world region, but we also emphasize the importance of locating our experiences in the global context. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to learn about homicide in another country or world region to better understand how homicide in Canada differs (or not) from other regions of the world and why this might be the case. It will also provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned in the first 5 units of the course by incorporating course materials where appropriate and relevant to your discussion. Course materials may include required readings, lecture notes, videos, news links and so on.
The main question you are addressing in this assignment is, in what way do trends and patterns in, and explanations for, homicide in Canada differ from other parts of the world? Are trends and patterns similar in some respects but different in other characteristics? How might these similarities and differences be explained? Do explanations vary cross-nationally?
By this stage, you have now read Chapter 20, Homicide in Canada (required reading in Units 2 and 3).
In the next two weeks, you will be introduced to various theoretical understandings or explanations for why homicides occur (required readings in Units 4 and 5).
This assignment asks you to use this new knowledge and understanding to examine how homicide in Canada compares to other world regions.
By the end of Week 3, you will select one of the four countries/world regions listed below to compare and contrast similarities and differences in trends and patterns, as well as explanations, between that country/world region and Canada. You will make your selection by self-enrolling in the relevant group using the Groups tool in CourseLink. There will be an equal, but limited, number of spaces available for each country, available on a first-come-first-served basis, beginning in Week 2.
Chapter 28 South Africa
After introducing your basic thesis statement about whether trends/patterns/explanations for homicide are more similar or more different and why between Canada and the country/world region you are focusing on, your paper may include the following to expand on this thesis statement:
A comparison of the reliability and validity of data sources in each country and how this compares to what you now know about homicide data;
A comparison of victim, perpetrator and incident characteristics in each country and how this compares to what you now know about homicide in general;
A discussion of the social and political context in each country that may contribute to levels of homicide (currently and/or over time), who perpetrates these killings, their primary victims, and what these homicides look like (e.g. cause of death, location of killing, etc.).
A reflection on whether explanations or theories of homicide differ in each country and why this might be the case; and/or,
A reflection on what the authors identify as future research priorities and how they are similar or different in each country.
These are meant as suggestions only. You may identify other elements that are important for comparison.
Important Caveat: Please note that your ability to address the above points will depend on the country you are comparing to Canada and what information has been included by the author. Remember, often what an author focuses on in describing homicide in their country underscores what they see as most relevant or pertinent to understanding the phenomenon in their part of the world. As such, you might also identify what is missing from their discussion that was highlighted in the chapter on Canada and vice versa.
Assignment Expectations
You are expected to incorporate course materials where possible and appropriate from Units 1 through 5 inclusive to support your statements or discussion points. Note: You are not expected to use external resources – those outside course materials – to do this assignment and you will not receive credit for doing so.
Proper referencing style is expected when referring to any course materials. Use the referencing style that is most familiar to you and be consistent throughout.
You must submit your assignment in Times New Roman, 12 pt., double-spaced (and, yes, we can tell the difference 😊), using standard 8 x 11 format.
The assignment must be 4 pages in length exactly (1000 words exactly and should be double spaced apa-7 style owl prude (not including references) including reference it should be 5 pages exactly.
Warning: Papers longer than specified or those that do not follow guidelines will be returned to you and late penalties will apply until a revised paper is resubmitted.
Tip: Please keep in mind that it may take several readings to pinpoint the areas that you wish to discuss and decide how you will support your statements using the knowledge gained in this course so far. Therefore, give yourself time to engage with both chapters and think about what you wish to highlight in your assignment.
Grading Expectations
Table 2 – Rubric for Assessing the Comparing Homicide Locally and Globally Assignment
Level 1 (Excellent)
24-30 (A-range)
Introduction/Thesis statement
Main finding/thesis statement of paper accurately introduced
Provides significant evidence to support the main argument(s); draws significantly from course materials
Grasp of Sources Cite
Demonstrates strong understanding of the course materials cited
Clearly synthesizes and reframes key points from paper
Organization and structure of paper flows smoothly with clear transitions between points/arguments made
Clarity and Writing
Language is accessible and clear; correct grammar and clear writing throughout
READING-1 (DOCX-1 ATTACHED IS) very important
Chapter 20, Homicide in Canada Reference link is https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118924501.ch20
READING-2 (DOCX-2 ATTACHED IS) very important
Homicide in South Africa Reference link is – https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118924501.ch28
READING -3 ( docx -3 attached is ) very important
BOOK THE HANDBOOK OF HOMOCIDE. Reference link is – https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9…
Reading -4 ( docx -4 attached is )
Handbook of Homicide. Homicide in Canada [Read pages 348-349] Dawson, M..pdf Reference link is – https://ares.lib.uoguelph.ca/ares/ares.dll?action=…
Reading – 5 ( docx -5 attached is ) very important
Juristat. Homicide in Canada, 2022. Catalogue no. 85-002-X. [Gov’t publication, infographic].
Reading -6 ( docx -6 attached is )
Canadian homicide rates: A comparison of two data sources. Reference link is https://ares.lib.uoguelph.ca/ares/ares.dll?action=…
Reading 7 ( docx -7 attached is ) very important
Homicide trends in Canada, 2022 Reference link is https://ares.lib.uoguelph.ca/ares/ares.dll?action=…
please start reading instructions mam
and guidelines and you have to answer to this i am proving the grading rubrics everything write in own words donot use AI AND CHATGPT AS MAM HAS THE SOFTAWARE TO DETECT.EACH AND EVERY single LINE and each and every single word.
I Have also attached the grading rubric photo which is in form of image grading rubric is very much important you have to follow each and every instruction very carefully.
only these sources which i have provided HAVE TO BE USED NO OTHER SOURCETO BE USED READ INSTRUCTIONS Very Very carefully.

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