Write a 2.5-4 page paper (double-spaced, 12 pt. font) on one of the prompts belo

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Write a 2.5-4 page paper (double-spaced, 12 pt. font) on one of the prompts below.
2. Your paper must include at least six examples from at least four different chapters. This is a one source paper. Do not do additional research beyond The Battle that Stopped Rome.
3. Use page number citations for your examples. Page number citations are required both for direct quotes and for paraphrasing. See below.
4. Submit your paper on Canvas by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday 20October.
How to cite the book:
Example 1: Wells explains that the Romans looked after their soldiers: “A nutritious diet, a carefully monitored water supply, and strict rules about sanitation helped keep the troops healthy.” (183)
Example 2: Wells explains that the Romans looked after their troops and made sure they had nutritious food, plenty of water, and clean camps. (183)
Note that in example 2 I did not directly quote the author, but I clearly was referring to his idea so I need a page number reference.
Paper Prompts: Choose one and only one of the questions below for your paper.
Option 1: Using Evidence
This book sits at the intersection of history, anthropology, and archeology. Peter Wells is a professor of anthropology. Explain the different types of evidence Wells uses throughout the book. How does he interpret archeological sites and evidence? Note: The Appendixes are useful for answering this question. For the assignment, the appendixes count as one chapter.
Option 2: Arguing a Thesis
Wells states “Rome lost the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, and three of its legions, because Augustus and his advisers did not understand the peoples of northern Europe or the changes those societies were undergoing.” (214)
What were Roman relations like with the Germanic tribes since the time of Julius Caesar? How did the Romans misinterpret what was happening with the Germanic tribes? What was so different about how the Germanic tribes lived? How did Roman misreading of the Germanic tribes specifically lead to the defeat at the Teutoburg Forest?

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