You are making an app in Android studio. The app is a Morse code translator. Wha

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By admin

You are making an app in Android studio. The app is a Morse code translator. Whatever you type in gets translated in Morse code by clicking a button. To use it you will need to log in/make an account that will be stored in a database. The app must meet these requirements
• GUI Web application
o Client-side code
• User Functionality
o User authentication
o User Profile/pw reset page (User Self-Service)
• Persistent data of user accounts and at least 2 tables/objects: Choices include (but not limited to)
o Local storage
 Project Ideas:
• Photo management app
• Smart Home App
o Firebase
o Google APIs
 Choices: APIs you can access include Calendar, Gmail, YouTube, Google Docs, Google Drive, and many others. Basically, any of the almost 200 APIs Google exposes, as long as it can store data
• RESTful Service AND/OR Client
o You must use at least one web service
o May perform full CRUD Operations if the project contains a cloud database, or you could be hitting a free api using strictly GET calls.
 HTTP Verb => CRUD
 POST => Create
 GET => Read
 DELETE => Delete
 PUT => Update/Replace -and/or- PATCH => Update/Modify

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